Archive for the ‘Self-Hypnosis’ Category

Eyesight Excellence Experiment

July 6, 2008

Over the past two years, i’ve tried and taken up various eye exercises and improvement programmes but i haven’t seem to have received any noticeable improvements, although there may have been huge improvements that i am unaware of, such as the releasing of mental blocks and emotions. I think one of the main obstacles to my success was that i was incredibly impatient. I’d try something for one week or less, not notice any improvements, then drop the entire thing completely. I’d find something new, take it up, become frustrated and impatient with it, then stop doing it. I tried targetting my emotions, using energy healing, using hypnosis, communicating with subconscious, but never did them wtih any regularity


After learning about the power of presence, patience, and perseverance, i’ve decided to relaunch my eyesight excellence program. I’m going to hold a state of patience and experimentation, not expecting any results but simply observing what i get. About my methods, i’m not going to use any eye exercises, or energetic healing as my main tool, but rather, solely the power of the mind. I’ve already experienced the power of the mind in the form of the law of attraction, self-hypnosis, and have gained the most success with working with the mind. Also, using the mind is simple, much simpler than trying to figure out what eye exercises to use and i’m pretty experienced at using it.


The aim of this eyesight excellence experiment are as folllows;

1. To gain better than 20/20 vision

2. To detail my progress and share my success or failures

3. To give me motivation and energy to consistently keep it up rather than stopping

4. To prove and then teach eyesight improvement methods using the mind


Since i have learnt self-hypnosis, i will be using self-hypnosis to program my unconscious to improve my eyes. Visualization is also used, and so is intention-manifestation. These are all really similar concepts and actually very much interrelated. I’ll also be using affirmations in the alpha state and subliminal messages. I’ll be playing around with the techniques and not attempt to find the perfect visualization or affirmation. If i utilize any other techniques or healing modalities, i will be sure to record them.

With that, let’s BEGIN.


To start off, i’ll begin this experiment with an intenton in order to utilize the law of attraction

I intend to have better than 20/20 eyesight and a perfectly healthy visual system as quickly as possible, in an easy and relaxed manner, in the most perfect way, or something better, for the highest good of all. Thank you.

Next, i’m going to begin writing a self-hypnosis script for Eyesight Excellence so wait for that!

Meanwhile, my subliminal messages include

My eyesight is getting better

I can see better

I can focus at all distances

I can see better in the dark

My eyes are improving

My visual system is perfectly healthy

I see clearer and clearer

I see with love. joy and harmony

I see better than 20/20

I release all blocks to perfect eyesight

I now create the life i love to look at

I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence

I feel completely safe and happy to see

I accept Divine Guidance and am always safe

All beliefs that hinder eyesight improvement are gone forever

My eyes are perfectly healthy

In addition, i’ll put myself in a relaxed state of Alpha and begin visualizing and repeating affirmations to myself. My 20-minute session just now included visualizing my eye muscles relaxing and healing, allowing my eyes to align perfectly, and locking that perfect alignment into place. At the same time, i also repeated affirmations such as “My eyes are perfectly aligned”

Current eyesight level

Currently, i can see a somewhat blurred image of the word “Yellow” about two-three metres away from my computer position,

Okay, we’ll see how things go!

Self-Hypnosis works!

June 30, 2008

Today was school without lessons whee

But first we had a rather dull briefing on our sabbaticals and it was funny that when the teacher seemed to be angry, talking and acting like an angry person, i found it amusing and could not help myself smiling and giggling to myself periodically. It just seemed amusing how anger was used to sort of assert authority and get the students to quiet down. I didn’t talk much if at all, i just giggled the entire way.

Anyway…i was posted to Enhanced podcasting…okay man…maybe some funny podcasts may be posted when someone buys me an iLife because the podcasting is only for iLife??!?! And i don;t have it!?!? So i’ll learn something and…????? wait for someone to get me an ilife.

Okay, let me tell you a stupid thing that happened today. During break w were out to play street soccer and then Tor the wonder peed into a sort of hole at the side of the court (not really a hole, but a patch of grass that suddenly cuts downwards into the ground pretty steeply….) And then we were laughing at him…and then we played and then someone kicked it to the hole so..,the ball was a bit disgusting. A bit only.

And this realisation suddenly came to me while i was playing because i realised i didn’t flinch when people were swinging shots. I could keep my eyes on the ball even when they were whacking it rather than turning my back against it instinctively and then i realised i did self-hypnosis the previous night to program myself to face the ball and deal with it rather than flinch…so that was proof that it works (:

That was a behavioral change and all it took was one session (:! Probably to strengthen it and make it permanent, a few more sessions may be in order but it was great proof on the effectiveness of my self-hypnosis